At North Star Home Inspectors, we work hard to keep up with all the newest technologies. Because of this, we include infrared thermal imaging with all of our inspections. Infrared imaging can help a home inspector find several potential issues in the home. The inspector can determine an array of problems involving moisture intrusion, energy loss, and possible hot spots.
What is Infrared Thermal Imaging?
Infrared thermal imaging is a technique that uses an infrared camera. The camera provides images that portray the heat signature of various areas in the home. These variations in the heat signature can tell a great deal to an experienced home inspector. Through the examination of infrared images, the home inspector can identify a wide array of problems that would otherwise be unidentifiable. This technique is often used in conjunction with a general home inspection. A general home inspection can find things infrared imaging can’t and vice versa. The most complete inspection can be obtained with the use of both methods.
What Infrared Thermal Imaging Can Identify
An infrared camera will allow your inspector to find several kinds of problems. These problems are sorted into those caused by moisture intrusion, energy loss, or hot spots.
Moisture intrusion problems are usually identified by cooler temperatures. A damp area is unlikely to be the same temperature as the surrounding area. This isn’t a fool-proof method, but it can help determine problems before they do serious damage. Moisture intrusion problems can include:
- Plumbing breaks or leaks
- Obscured roof leaks
- Missing or damaged insulation
- Moisture intrusion in areas that can ultimately result in structural damage or a mold infestation
Energy loss problems are also commonly identified by loss of heat. Poor insulation will result in cooler temperatures, which will be apparent in the images. An improperly functioning heating system will be easily visible, as the heat signature will not be consistent. Energy loss problems include:
- Heat loss in walls, ceilings, floors, windows, and doors
- Damaged or faulty radiant heating systems
- Air-conditioner compressor drips
- Structural damage or defects
- Broken or missing seals in windows
Hot spots are identified by higher heat signatures. Overheated or electrical problems will be clearly portrayed in the images. Hot spot problems include:
- Circuit breakers in need of replacement
- Overloaded or undersized circuits
- Overheated electrical equipment
- Other electrical faults
Besides all of these things, infrared thermal imaging can be used to determine the presence of infestations. A current infestation can be shown based on the heat signatures of the pests, which will make them easy to detect. Other damage caused by infestation can also be detected with the use of infrared imaging.
Infrared thermal imaging is just one of the many valuable services we offer. When you get a home inspection through North Star Home Inspectors, you can be confident that you will get the best inspection possible. We guarantee every inspection, and infrared thermal imaging is available at no extra charge. To schedule your home inspection, or to learn more about the use of infrared thermal imaging, contact us at North Star today!